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There are many articles which details about the healthy foods which help in weight loss, the different type of exercises which make you lose pounds and even drinks that help you drop your weight. German researchers have revealed that drinking about two cups of cold water can tentatively boost metabolic rate by around 30 percent. The outcome appears to be essentially due to a rise in nor epinephrine.

Get Energized


Certain energy drinks have been proved to enhance fat loss. In a 2008 study, University of Oklahoma (Norman) researchers stated that, when 60 male and female participants drank a diet energy drink containing 250 mg of EGCG from green tea extract and 200 mg of caffeine for 28 days, they dropped more than one pound of body fat without altering their exercise habits or their diets.

Whey Lean


One of the smartest ways to improve muscle growth and fat loss is to drink whey protein as a between-meals snack. UK researchers observed that when subjects drank a whey protein shake 90 minutes ahead of eating a buffet-style meal, they ate considerably less food than when they drank a casein shake before the food. The scientists informed that this was due to whey’s capacity to boost levels of the hunger-blunting hormones such as Glucagon-like peptide-1 and cholecystokinin.

Not so Sweet


The artificially sweetened drinks may be calorie-free. However, when you drink it in more amounts it can actually prevent your fat-loss progress. It appears that beverages like diet soda disarray your brain’s ability to control calorie intake, thus making you feel hungrier than usual. This makes you eat more and hence your calorie intake also increases. Another study suggests that the sweet taste of these drinks can enhance the release of insulin, which can prevent the fat-burning and improve fat storage.

Say Soy-Anara to Fat


Soy protein is proven to be a fat-burner. In a 2008 review paper, the University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers inferred that soy protein could help in fat loss and possibly by reducing the appetite and calorie consumption. The scientists also noted that people drinking 20 grams of soy every day for three months dropped a significant amount of abdominal fat.

Get Thick


If you are making a protein shake, try to make it thicker by using less amount of water. This, in turn, will help you feel less hungry especially when you are on a diet plan. In a research from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, people consumed two shakes that were similar in nutritional content and noted significantly higher and more extended reductions in appetite after consuming the thicker shake.

Go Fish


The essential omega-3 fats that are present in the fish oil help fat loss, which is intensified with exercise. This is also valid for fish oil supplements comprising omega-3 fats. You can have one to two grams of fish oil at lunch, breakfast and dinner.

Go even Greener


Most of the studies showing the strength of green tea for fat loss have utilised the green tea extract. One of the studies confirmed that the EGCG from the extract was absorbed considerably better than the EGCG from the tea. Take around 500 mg of green tea extract in the afternoon and morning before meals.



You might as well want to add the healthy fat CLA to your supplement plans. CLA can notably help in fat loss while simultaneously improving the strength gains and hypertrophy. There are studies which reveal that it can help specifically target the abdominal fat.