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Best Tips To Maintain Weight Loss


1 How to Maintain Weight Loss
It is not an easy task to reach your goal weight. But even when you accomplish that, the journey does not end there. Keep the pounds off with these tips which help in maintaining the weight loss.


2 Find Your New Calorie Needs

To go from dropping some pounds to maintaining weight, your normal calorie consumption demands to change. When you’ve spent weeks or perhaps even months adhering to a particular diet and workout plan to aid you to lose weight, it’s not easy to change your habits. You’ll have to figure out your new calorie requirements and change your meals and snacks accordingly.

This can be complicated since you need more calories to sustain the weight than to lose it. But at the same time, a body that weighs less demands lesser calories. To find the balance, utilise a personalised calorie calculator to find out how much food your new body weight requires. The calculator factors in weight, height, age, and also activity level. Try the number it spits out for a seven days and then alter it if required. You need to be patient since it may take a few weeks to obtain the magic number.

3 Keep Up Healthy Habits
The main thing you need to know is that it is not all about the food. You’ll need to keep the healthy habits you chose during your weight loss programme. For example, if you had gone to the gym during the lunch break, you should not stop that.

Keeping the healthy habits means you’re much more inclined to maintain your weight loss. If you see yourself slipping, then you should try writing down all the things that you eat. Maintaining a food journal is an excellent way to hold yourself responsible.

4 Give Yourself Incentives
The best motivation you can get when you are on a target to lose some weight is to see the number on the scale go down. But seeing the number remain in the same position is not very impressive. For help putting the weight off, you can try utilising your before and after photos as an inspiration. Place them on your refrigerator door, and you’ll be recalled of your transformation every time you reach for some food.

Viewing the results you worked so hard for will surely help you stick to healthy habits. Another excellent motivation tool is a stream of little rewards. You can give yourself a little non-food treat by the end of every month if you maintain the weight that you dropped.

5 Don’t Make Excuses

If you begin making explanations for questionable food choices, that will just go on. It is never going to end. The fact that you don’t require to lose weight anymore clearly isn’t an explanation to live on cheeseburgers. And neither is that weekend party or the group dinner at a hotel. There’s always means to make smart decisions, whatever the situation. Remember to maintain portion sizes in check and emergency snacks ready.

6 Don’t Deprive Yourself

Remember that you don’t have to deny yourself to keep up the good work. Feeling satisfied is one of the solutions to keeping off the pounds. If you fancy big bowls of pasta or mashed potatoes, then you should try spaghetti squash or perhaps mashies super-sized with cauliflower.