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Boost Your Memory By Doing This After Studying


You might feel exhausted after a zealous study session, and you might not want to think of a workout after that. However, a recent study suggests that becoming physically active for atleast 4 hours after studying might assist the students to recall the information they just learned quickly and easily.In order to study the report, the researchers recruited 72 women and men and had them take a 40-minute memory test. The test involved looking at the images of familiar objects displayed in 1 of 6 places on a computer screen. The members were asked to recollect the object and the position it was in.

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High-Intensity Exercise
After going through the test, one-third of the members was made to do a 35-minute, high-intensity exercise on a stationary bike. On the other hand, the another group waited 4 hours prior participating in the same workout. The third group did not do the workout at all.

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After two days, all of the subjects underwent the same memory test to find out how much data they had recalled. Later on, they completed brain scans while retaking the test. The brain scans helped the researchers to analyse their brain activity patterns.The researchers observed that people who waited 4 hours to work out recalled the most information two days later. The group that did not work out at all had the second-best performance.

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While it is not clear about why waiting to exercise aided people to retain more memory, Dr Guillen Fernandez, who is a professor of cognitive neuroscience at ‘The Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior’, at the Radboud University Medical Center, has a hypothecy. He opines that while exercise can release neurotransmitters like noradrenaline and dopamine, and brain chemicals help in improving memory; he suspects that the emotional effects of working out as soon as studying might cause some obstruction between the information assembled and the development of new memories.

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But he also stated that researchers do not know whether working out 4 hours after studying is the optimal time for remembering fresh information since only two other situations were taken into account during the study. So you can just take the findings with a grain of salt. According to Fernandez, it is likely that the improved memory benefit might have been higher had the participants exercised 2 hours after studying, or by conducting some other type of training.

Fernandez said that he has plans to do a follow-up research in order to examine how working out at various time intervals, such as 2 or perhaps 8 hours after studying, influence long-term memory.

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There are various benefits if you workout after studying. It will increase the functional activity of the temporal lobe, which is responsible for storing sensory memories. It helps in the learning and mental performance. It helps prevent and also treat dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and also brain ageing. Getting your sweat can reduce the impairment of brain cells and loss of coordination related to Parkinson’s disease. Other than that it reduces sensitivity, anxiety and depression, and also increase levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which maintains and regenerates adult nerve cells. According to science, those physically active women who are above 65 years of age, are likely to develop cognitive decline. Thirty minutes of running for undergrads resulted in faster reaction times and vocabulary learning.
Aerobic training increases the connectivity in the temporal lobe. By the end of a one year study, walkers improved their brain connectivity upto the level of college -age young adults.

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A 25-year research found that higher cardiovascular fitness was associated with a better verbal memory and reaction time.
Twice-weekly endurance training positively influenced the response inhibition process. The response inhibition process is the ability to filter inappropriate response during a conversation.

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Practice Yoga or Walk
Patients with Psychiatric disorders that practices yoga or walked for atleast one hour, three times a week showed higher GABA (Gamma-Amino-Butyric-Acid) levels, improved mood and decreased anxiety. The yoga group showed a greater progress than the walkers.

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The brain benefit that the exercise gives for kids is fantastic. The studies suggest that physical activity is very important for youth’s developing brain. Any form of physical activity produced higher Intelligence Quotient and academic achievement test scores for school aged children. Just ten minutes of exercise increased 13-16 year old’s concentration and attention. Activities such as these exercises reduced symptoms in children diagnosed with ADHD. In total, the advantages of exercise produce neuroprotective benefits that harmonise our brain health over the years. Physical activity like the workouts becomes fertiliser for the brain. It helps in nourishing it to enhance attention, accuracy, memory, and the way we process the information.

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On the contrary, napping also helps in solidifying the memories. Not only is sleep after learning an important part of the memory production process, but sleep before learning is also something very important as well. The study has also found that sleep loss can affect our capacity to commit new things to memory and combine any new memories we create.